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SEO Friday - Key Word Frequency

Published Bernice on Friday, January 14, 2022 12:00 AM

Key Word Frequency SEO

In SEO we often speak of the importance of key words, and we sometimes tend to believe that the more often we insert the key words into our text the better it is for ranking. One important thing to keep in mind is that trends change over time so it is important to follow this, or to ask the professionals in the field to guide us. 

The concept of "more is more" is not necessarily relevant nowadays. In fact, as Korinne correctly points out in here infographic below, whether our businesses are in the field of international education, or even in any other field, when it comes to inserting key words into our text, we have to make sure that these are included in as natural a way as possible. On top of that, our key words must be relevant to the topic we are discussing, otherwise the whole thing could backfire on us.

In today' SEO Friday post, Korinne from KAIE Marketing speaks to us about this point and shares her expertise on the matter with us. Here's what she has to tell us.

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